Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sick Fertilizer Units; Delhi Airport Solution?!!

The government is planning to revive what it calls sick fertilizer units buy handing them over to private players for care taking just like it did to the airports. To me this is just another orm of quick fixes. Will it work, well, i dont think so. 

TO me airports are profitable by default. An airport in a major metro city can never go bankrupt unless the people running it are screwups. Thats what was almost happening till private companies decided to baby-sit the airports coz mama couldnt take care all by herself. But even that didnt stop the roof from flying of caused by few gusts of wind 

We need major reforms in agriculture, period!!! if companies like macdonald can sell slow poison junk because of their state of the art logistical infrastructure and quality agricultaral partners, if they can transport food accross oceans, why can we transport food across state borders on time. We need to have agricultural corporation where farmers work together,bring together each others land as a single unit (Mahila Udyog model is an example)  cultivate and share profits and liabilities. That should be the way forward.

The solutions are all there, but no one has the balls to push it forward. Who sleeps in which dalit house and who uses which 5star gym is what is debated these days. Bottom line, even if fertiliser industry is revived, who is going to buy all the fertiliser when the nation is facing floods and drought.