Sunday, February 8, 2009

We dont want Outsider Indians!!!

Over the last few months a number of Indians have been murdered in the US the last one being Rudraraju Sudheer Kumar, a mechanical engineer with Toyota Motors, who was found murdered in his flat in Atlanta Feb 3. Some newspapers and media are blaming the recession in the US and the desperation of its citizens that they resort to killing outsiders. But why are they killing Indians and not Mexicans and Cuban immigrants? Its because the jobs they occupy are largely the low end ones, whereas Indians, with their cheap and high education and with their visas find it easier to snatch lucrative jobs away from the Americans. Its was ok when the jobs were outsources, but when an outsider comes in your land and takes away the few opportunities available, anyone has a right to be pissed...

Atleast thats what we Indians believe when we have to compete against people from other states. Personally, I too resent the fact that there are fewer opportunities here in my state. Do I not want others to prosper? Of course not, everyone has a right to make a living.  I resent the fact that people from my state have to go else where to earn a living. But I reserve my greatest resentment against the pudding-headed retards who call themselves Ministers. When one starts an Industrial Estate he should first look at the level and type of qualification of those living around that area, district or state. If there are more, say computer engineers, one should focus their attention on IT and how to attract IT companies. Same goes for any other field/industry. In   Goa, there is an Industry called Verna Electronic City. When it was conceptualized, it was meant to attract electronic based companies to absorb the nearly 1500 graduate and Engineering students churned out every year by the state. The first company set up was D-Link, which is a hardware company, followed by Burbrown(medical transcription-now closed), NE-Tech and Control-Net (Now PSPL) which are Software companies. 

The problem arised when the guy who headed D-Link in Goa also became the head of Goa Chambers of Commerce, a body which sanctions the setup of all  industries in Goa. It has the power to reject any company from setting shop in Goa. Mr. D-Link prevented any other electronic hardware company from coming to Goa so he and his company. As a result the employees had no choice but to accept the Rs 1400 (aprox $40) initial monthly salary. If any employee were to protest, Mr. D-Link had the power and political influence to persuade and prevent any other company in Goa from hiring that person. I have to  mention that couple of years earlier, he did increase the employee's salary by 40-50%

Since no other industry electronic industry was allowed, a number of pharmaceutical companies have set up factories in that estate. Its no more an electronic industrial estate. There is just one pharmacy college in Goa and hence 90% of employees in those factories belong to other states.

The Govt of Goa did propose an IT park, but the politicians wanted 1or 2Cr from every company that were interested. Later it was plagued by protests from the local villagers in that area due to legal  irregularities.

The Irony is that there are very few Govt Colleges in Goa that  cater to the tourism industry which dwarfs all other industries. As a result, Goans get low end jobs and most of the higher posts are filled by outsiders.

Such a small state and so much resentment. I can only Image how much the Americans must be hating the nearly 2million Indias and other nationals working there. But are the killings justified? No.

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