Saturday, January 17, 2009

BJP loves Miliband

Inflation is coming down, fuel prices are down, stimulus packages are taking effect, farmer suicide count is down, money is flowing etc etc. The UPA govt has got its act right just in the nick of time. The BJP is left with very little to crib and cry about. No wonder they have taken some stupid remarks from a stupid man who no one ever heard off and no one even cares.He is British secretary of state David Miliband. In a time where Britain is falling behind in its influence of the world and sometime labeled as USs tail why are we as a nation even listening to them. Our attitude should be, if you can do something-do it else f*** off. We dont want some college grad to tell us what to do.

BJP, however, never fails to break the boundaries of stooping low.If they are calling it a diplomatic disaster then they should learn the meaning of the word disaster. When I heard Milibands comment, I thought of him as a nitt-witt, who probably read about Kashmir from history books as some reports staked in the corner of the national library. The BJP raised his credibility and joined his club of nit-wits. Sad to say but our country is full of them. My advice to BJP, you are in a country in which more than 70% of people dont know the meaning of DIPLOMATIC and DISASTER. It wont win you votes. Focus on the real issues faced by the common man. By any luck you will be able to will the Parliament election like the Congress. They have just proved themselves by turning the bad economic situation around.

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