Saturday, January 17, 2009

President George W Bush The Under-rated Hero of Our Age

He wont will the Nobel Peace prize but he has done a lot to keep Americans and the rest of the world safe. This has been echoed by Dalai Lama who being a man of non-violence, openly stated that terrorism cannot be defeated by non-violence because the terrorist have closed minds. That is true and whoever thinks otherwise is simply delusional.

Coming back to George W Bush, he took tough decisions because of which there have been no terrorist attacks on US soil. The economic down turn was not directly his fault. He cant be help responsible for the greed of a group of people, the result of which were inflated prices.By defeating Saddam and the Taliban, he a halted, if not destroyed, a dark force that would reach other countries and cause immense damage and destruction. If a man like Bush existed in the early 20s we would never have had the second world war. A pre-emptive offense was needed and that was what he did. If india would have done the same, during the rise of Kashmiri terrorist, we would probably have be better off.

Love him or have him, this is a man whose positive impact on the world cannot be denied. But nothing is perfect and neither is he. I have to mention here that dont agree with his economic stance (companies must be allowed to fall or bought over by the Govt: No free bailouts please) and anti-environmental policies. But lets hope that the gap in his legacy is patched by the new President Barak Obama.

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