Saturday, January 31, 2009

Womens Commission of India: Women are Women's worst Enemy!

I read two interesting articles today, somewhat unrelated but following a common theme. One article by NDTV Is there gender inequality in our society? talks about the Women's Commission of India who instead of supporting the victims of the pub attacks blamed them and the pub for the attacks. The WCI says that the pub should have provide adequate security. I don't understand why. There was no prior threat to the pub or its guests. What about the police. Why aren't they held accountable by the WCI.

Its easy to blame the girls or the pub because they wont retaliate. Heres' what I think of the Women's Commission of India. These are women from an earlier generation where women's dressing style are defined by the color and pattern on their saris. They want to be and they want others to be good house wives. Independence to them, I guess is not a priority. The don't seem to have any clear strategy on curbing home violence else they would have had a helpline number wouldn't they. I can remember all helpline numbers including 1098 for protecting children. I wonder whether the WCI can be taken seriously. Two cases in Goa where minor girls were raped (one of which was murdered), which was investigated by WCI, has faded into oblivion. Makes me wonder whether there even was an investigation.

Could it be that the WCI are jealous of the new breed of Independent and free women. Could it be that the WCI cant stand to see how easily the girls from the pub and other like them got their freedom from "the bondages of marriage, family and society" while they have fought so long and hard for it. I think the WCI doesn't want women to be independent and flaunt their sexuality, else why would they be needed anyway. Such narrow minded thinking expressed in their views makes me wonder if they are a part of the moral police too. If so, its time women move out of the country if they want to live in safety. As for the men, they can go around hitting and raping women without any consequence.

The other article I read was Mean Girls At Work . This articles highlights the plight of a working women with a family being harassed by her female boss. The boss,apparently, doesn't have a family and earns comparatively less.
Its a well known fact that women get jealous more often then men. So when it comes to women vs women, this puts them in a particularly grim situation where there will always be jealousy when one sees another is happier than her.

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