Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Diesel and Petrol Drop and Rise, Drop and Rise... II

I don't know when this may happen, if ever. For now, all I can think about is why, more than twice a month, when I go to the petrol pumps, there isn't any petrol available but there is the premium variety like Speed and Power from HP and
BP. Its a scam. Why should I pay Rs 5 more for fuel that is no better for my engine than ordinary petrol. They claim that scientifically, engine performs better. But aren't those under standard test conditions, If standard test conditions are to be believed, karizma would give a mileage of 50km/l (actual 25-35km/l) and eterno would give a mileage of 90km/l (actual 65-75km/l maybe even 80 if ridden at 40kmph and you weigh less that 60kgs)

Bottom line, as I said, its a scam. They might as well market it like, "Sale of First thousand liters - Rs 45 and next thousand lites 55". They are creating a virtual shortage of ordinary fuel in the market where crude prices are at $40 from $140, so they can sell their so-called premium variety and make few more bucks

Want to make money, keep a record of every vehicles fuel consumption and tax them accordingly. More you consume, higher price you pay. If I can ride for 100km within a litre, why should I have to pay the same amount as someone with 20km/l.He is using 5 time more petrol right? Fuel can also be rationed. What is required is a good infrastructure to support these features that are going to support better and responsible driving.

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