Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Goa Shiv Sena has a problem with Slumdog -II

Few days back I had written a post Goa Shiv Sena has a problem with Slumdog. I suggest you read the post before you continue reason.

One guy name abhinav parulakar commented on the post as follows:
U r the 'piso munis'and a big 'bhoto' You just repeat what the anti-hindu media says.The movie not only describe India as poor ,dirty 3rd world country but also hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by denigrating Lord Ram.
What are the Hindus suppose to do then, sit like cowards and watch our Gods being denigrated or are we suppose to protest against it? what did you feel when the movie 'Tickle My Funny Bone'was screened.
Are you going to allow your children to watch a movie which shows prostitutes using abusive and dirty language?
Where were the so called secularists , atheists , rationalists ,art admirers when churchill threatened to attack the Inox multiplex? This issue was never popularized by media.


I have nothing personal against abhinav but I wont assume the reverse. Even though he is only 15, I will treat him as an adult and reply to his comment.

Abhinav, first of all there is no "anti-hindu" media in India. Maybe you are reading too much from Maanoj Rahkits Blog and his views of anti-hindu media. It's because of people like him that there is silent civil war going on in India when we need peace the most. 90% of news reporters are Hindus and I honestly believe that, although they may be dramatic in their views, the are responsible. It hurts, doesn't it when they inculpate your brethren? If it's anybody else its ok, right?

Second, you say that The movie... ...describe India as poor ,dirty 3rd world country. But, my friend, if you come out of the luxury of your home or even look out of your window, you'll see India IS a poor, dirty 3rd world country. Why do we have to deny that. Even if we do, does it invalidate the truth? Your own blog post says "Bad Mannered Indians..". It's a blessing to have parents who provide you with clean food and clean water for bath every day. But many many of them don't have such parents and don't have anyone to tell them whats clean and whats not.

I think that the somewhat clean air of Goa has seduced you into thinking that whole of India is like that. Well wake up son, get outta Goa and smell the air. It stinks of poverty, hopelessness, hunger and despair.

What are the Hindus suppose to do then, sit like cowards and watch our Gods being denigrated or are we suppose to protest against it?

Third, please dont say what are Hindus supposed to do. Don't drag the rest of the population, who work day and night to make ends meet who are honest, non-violent and only pray for peace in their minds, food on their plates a roof on their heads and look for happiness in the eyes of their children. Dont you dare call them cowards. Maybe you are taking about yourself or/and the low - life vandals and hooligans who have nothing else to do but destroy other peoples peace and happiness so lets not pretend that the Hindus all around the world are affected.

I believe every religion, not just Hindus, are bigger than any individual or group. Almost all religions today have lasted for more than 1000 years. Not you or me or any Danny Boyle or Dan Brown can even shake it. If you believe that God created us, do you expect me to believe that a movie can denigrate it? Its like throwing a stone at a mountain and trying to break it. What do you think will be broken, if you think its the mountain, please don't read anything more because obviously you are not a sane person.

Religion is bigger than any one of us and is not affected by attacks not needs to be defended by people like you or the so called Saniks; I wont say Shiv Saniks because their actions are an insult to the king name shiva who called the wife of his sworn enemy "mata" or Mother and who was secular and respected all religions. You on the other hand only can only appreciate the violence that Shivaji displayed(one of few times in his life) while killing Afzal Khan (in your blog). He was a kind and just man, unlike those who claim to defend his honour and for some reason they always like depicting him with a sword.

Speaking of Churchill, who was fading away and needed to stir a controversy to be in the limelight. That's to your Christians who have the same mentality as you, he did get it. Although I must say he was sane enough not go ahead with his threats and they remained just that.

Anyway, people are going to forget the movie, maybe slum dog, tickle my funny bone or Da Vince's Code, next time they go to inox but what they will remember is a bunch of lunatics who vandalised the place.

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